Monday, April 27, 2009

"Well it's alright, even if you're old and gray..."

I received good news last week...I was finally approved for unemployment compensation. After Five months of back and forth, contacting my State and local representatives, nasty letters and plenty of breaking down, I was elated to see some money in our account. Yippie!

Now I can go buy that sixty-inch plasma TV!


I can finally eat again.

Not kidding.


Tim said...

Great news, it's about time!

Will the food at least be caviar and filet?

Unknown said...

Great news, I hope they are going to give you guys compensation for the five months. Proud of the way you guys stood up to them.

Bob said...

I nearly got arrested, but in the end I was finally able to make them see things your way. You can thank me and cousin Guido later.

JQ said...

Tim- I will leave it to the chef...if I had my way it would be pancakes and eggs every night. But, that's why Pixie does most of the cooking.

Cindy- Most of those five months. I was not going to lay down easily.

Nobody- That was going to be my next step. Thanks for looking out for me.

Fantastagirl said...

YAY! Finally the state of Ohio has opened their eyes, and pulled their heads out of their assets...

Anonymous said...

Yay, great news!!! Finally!!!

JQ said...

Fantastagirl- About time, right? I still don't have any faith or trust left for them...

Dutchy- Thanks.

Jessica said...

Glad to hear that things worked out for you! What a relief it must be!

JQ said...

Jessica- Thanks. A total have no idea.

Lynda said...

Congratulations!!!! It is always good to be able to eat!

JQ said...

Lynda- Thanks. I do like to eat!

Pops- LOL!

Naynayfazz said...

I saw this on Pixie's site but I wanted to say to you congrats as well. Your hard work paid off and that is ozz-um!

Anonymous said...

Go JQ!!! Way to stand up for yourself !!!! Can you give me some assertiveness training...gotta get some money back from my old landlord.

Seriously, I am happy and relieved for you.

Big Sis

JQ said...

Naynayfazz- Thanks. You were exactly right when you said I wouldn't back down.

Big Sis- Sure. Lesson #1: Don't take any shit from anyone.
Lesson #2: Don't take any shit from anyone.