Wednesday, January 2, 2008

"It's getting better all the time..."

So the new year is upon us, have you resolved to ameliorate your physical, mental, financial, spiritual, or emotional being in an effort to transform into that vibrant enlightened human you have always dreamed of becoming? Or, are you like me: too stupid and lazy to accept any challenge to overcome personal foibles?

I can clamber atop my high-horse and spew about how I am going to: read ten books this year (what a husband and wife can't share new years goals?), pursue my dream of playing music professionally (and by professionally I mean I am going to try and get at least one gig this year or sell one of my songs to a famous artist for thousands of dollars—easy enough huh?), be more patient and understanding, and write more—perhaps finish some of my ideas for a change. Or I can bore you all to tears about how wonderful our first Christmas with the G-man was, but I will leave that story up to Pixie.

Instead I am going to direct your attention to the brand new guitar I purchased over the Holidays. I am quite pleased with it's performance, but am most happy with the small amount of money I spent on it. The story of how the guitar came to be in my possession is long and full of anti-climaxes, protagonists, antagonists, a midget named Harry and fourteen pounds of potato salad. But I will spare you the details and just say that I won't be buying instruments at Guitar Center in the future.

Sorry to disappoint you Jacob, but I did not buy a Breedlove. I purchased a smooth playing, folk-style guitar manufactured by a company named Godin. One of their many fine products, the Art and Lutherie guitar, has reminded me how much I miss playing my six-string acoustic. The price of said guitar has reminded me of how much of a cheap ass I am. It was a win-win buying this axe. Not only did I spend way less than I was going to spend, but I got a better sounding guitar. Hey, and it's pretty to boot.

So while most people have resolved to buy expensive Gym memberships that will undoubtedly fall by the wayside February first, I am going to crack a beer and work on becoming a literate rock star with a lot of patience.

Oh yeah I hope everybody had a great Holiday with their family and friends. I know we did.


The Ferryman said...

I dunno..the kid looks unimpressed...

JQ said...

Fab- It's only because he is concentrating on taking a big dump in his pants.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

This post made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

JQ said...

Pixie- I don't know what to say...

Tim said...

does G-man actually sit still and watch you play, or does he try to play himself?

Anonymous said...

It is a very nice guitar. The Breedlove is just my dream guitar. It looks pretty sweet. Once my daughter got around 6 months old, she wanted to play. I got her a little guitar that I will teach her on once she's 3 or 4. Also, piano lessons. My daughter won't let me finish a whole song unless I'm playing while she's in the bath because she then has no choice. Plus, I can't sing.

JQ said...

Tim- A little of both. He likes to play the drums on my fret board and play with the shiny tunning pegs.

TF- I like it. We got G-man a little guitar for Christmas. It makes funny noises and plays songs. He likes it.
We would like him to have piano lessons as well. I want him to be able to read music. I used to be okay at it when I played the violin. I would only use the notation until I memorized the piece. Now I wish I would have applied myself.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I never learned to read music (yet). I wish tablature was never invented because it makes it too easy. I'm working on memorizing all the notes on the guitar now. When I learn to play piano, I'll learn to read music then. It's in my 5 year plan. :)

JQ said...

TF- Sometimes even tab is too much for me to look at. I have to just get a general feeling for the piece and figure it out on my own.
Chord inversions is where it is at. If you know every place to play any chord it really helps with your voicing and melodic texture. That is what I am working on when I fart around.

Good Luck.