Monday, February 11, 2008

"Gimme a head with hair, long beautiful hair..."

Anybody recognize this person?

Give up?

I found this in a box of memorabilia yesterday when Pixie and I were cleaning the basement.

The year was 1996 and I was seventeen.

This is the picture for my registration/identification card for my senior year in High school. I woke up late that day and rushed to the school to get my class schedule, locker assignment, and my picture taken.

Aren't I handsome? I look like an extra from the Lucas County Correctional Facility's production of "Hair". Ah, to be young and free again. Free of a worries, free of responsibility, free of a good barber.

Believe it or not, I had my head shaved up to the top so that if you were to somehow manage to get my mop to stand up straight I would have had an awesome mohawk.

I have very thick, unruly hair and it took a lot of work to get my hair that long and not become an afro. Have you ever seen a skinny white kid with an afro? Yeah, not pretty.

I sometimes pine to grow my hair long again. Then I think of how awkward and goofy I looked in the process of growing my hair long and that desire is squelched.

So these days I sport a very tight haircut. If it starts to get to fuzzy, Pixie tells me I look like a Q-tip.

What did you look like in high school? Are you willing to share your senior picture? Does a nerdy ghost of past haunt you as well?


Anonymous said...

"Hair." That is such a love-in.

I looked pretty much the same, but with more earrings. I actually don't think I have any pictures of me in High School. I had a blue mohawk for a little bit, but again, no documentation. I'm just balding now. That's the only change. Oh, and I have facial hair.

JQ said...

TF- Yeah I finally sprouted a beard as well.
I never got my fancy senior picture taken for my yearbook, we couldn't afford it, so I didn't bother going.

Lynda said...

My brother had his head shaved to the top too, at one point. I think it was about 1996, cause I remember him and his friend shaving his head, and I asked him if he was shaving it all off, because he fought so long to grow all his hair out.

As for my old high school photos, I happily do not have a scanner at the moment. ;)

Anonymous said...

WOw! And you look so fresh... like you just had some pott... or summin...

JQ said...

Lynda- That must have been the fad back then.
No scanner, eh? Lucky you.

Dutchy- Fresh as a daisy. I was sober....I swear!

Anonymous said...


Silicone Alley said...

I agree with Dutch.. you might not remember if you were. LOL

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

You are HOT.

JQ said...

Pops- Yes, yes you did. It doesn't make you old, just privileged.

Silicone- No, no, no I was not and I remember everything about that day. Let's see, I ...uh.....

Nobody- Just wait until I post a picture of my father, then you'll understand.

Fab- No, I had to sleep sometime.

Pixie- Thank you....wait, are you being sarcastic?

Tim said...

dude, throw on a trenchcoat and you're ready to shoot up a school.

JQ said...

Tim- I just had long hair, I wasn't crazy.

Mel said...

Your hair was longer than mine! I am with lynda, I dont have a scanner. Thats my story and I'm sticking with it.

JQ said...

Mel- Sure, sure, no scanner.

Fig said...

I had a nerdy past... and a nerdy present. A few years ago, 2 of my blogging pals and I had a Biggest Geek contest... we each posted geeky pics from our youth and then had a vote.

I won.

And I didn't even post my most geekish pic.

BTW... I think you look like a Breck Girl in that pic. :)

JQ said...

Fig- Uhmmm, thank you?

Naynayfazz said...

I used to love guys with long hair in high school. You don't look geeky per se; you look more stoned and/or tired.

Believe it or not, I wasn't geeky at all in high school. I think I looked better in 1996 when I graduated hs then how I look now. I was thinner and happier then too, so that is part of it. Sigh.... oh well.

If I can post the picture, I'd be happy to show you guys. Thanks for sharing yours.

JQ said...

Naynayfazz- I was neither tired nor stoned, I think the camera caught me mid-blink.

Anonymous said...

mid-blink? what? oh, yeah, what-ev-er JQ!

BTW, I bet Metro salon could hook up with with a sweet shaggy hair cut.


JQ said...

Am— It's twue, it's twue!

Fraulein N said...

That picture kind of reminds me of my senior yearbook photo, in which I look like I want to take grades 9 through 12 out behind the school for a beatdown. It's ugly, but kind of awesome. Oh, and extra points 'cause my mom hates it.

Fraulein N said...

Okay, that reads like I think YOUR picture is ugly, which is not at all what I was trying to say. Gah.

JQ said...

Fraulein N- Welcome! It's always nice to have new guests at my little nook on the internet.

I knew what you meant. I know I am a Breck girl sort of way. :)