Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"There's something happening here..."

So the government bailed out AIG, just weeks after the Federal intervention of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

That scares the hell out of me.

To accomplish these unusual and severe tactics to secure stability of the market, the government is using close to two-hundred billion dollars of our tax money. In exchange for this assistance, the government is taking the lion's share of stock in these companies until the money is paid back.

I have a question. Since our tax dollars have bailed these companies out of the financial crisis that was created by corporate greed and the inability to foresee the near future of the economy, when will I be receiving my profit share check? After all we pay for the government; they use our money for every bullshit bureaucracy they create, and every hair-brained, pork-fat, asinine program they create and every palm they grease, and all the money they hand out to their friends and family. That is our money. Not theirs.

I have another question. How long is the average American — the majority of the population that pays for all this bullshit while trying to make ends meet (no, not the welfare junkies or the elitist rich)— going to put up with this ridiculous and rampant government spending? When will enough be enough? When gas is eight, nine, ten dollars a gallon? When the price of a gallon of milk is six or seven dollars? When you can't even afford to heat your house in the winter because some fat cat CEO and politician have decided to jack up the rates for their own interests?

Do you think John McCain or Barack Obama are going to change anything? You are delusional if you think that. I am not saying they won't try for the first month or so, but that is when the real leaders (congress) will pound any iota of change back into this unbalanced Parliament of Whores. And besides, they are all career politicians, they are part of the problem, not the solution.

If you care about this country, or the little bit of freedom you have left, then vote third party so we can abolish this perpetual two-party system. Or, grow some testicles and rise up against this tyrannical government and take back America.

Or just sit on your ass and be brainwashed by Hollywood, and wait for Big Brother (the personification of totalitarianism from the book 1984...not the shitty, mind-numbing, superficial t.v. show) to tell you what to do.

There, I feel better now.


Bob said...


We HAVE to get rid of the two party system, it's imperative to the survival of this once great country. It's time for another Ross Perot. Well, not Perot exactly, but someone that can actually be a viable third choice.

But until people turn off the fucking TV and start to use their minds it will never happen.

JQ said...

Nobody- People are the worst. These companies and the world governments have sat idly by for years and watched this problem escalate. They didn't try and correct the problem because they were making money hand over fist. Now we, the tax payers, are once again coming to our inept government and the uber-greedy corporations rescue.
I for one am tired of being taxed to death. Spread the word and let's get this country back on track.

JQ said...

Dad- I don't trust any of them. Jeff Probst for President!

microdot said...

But yer nothing if don't vote!
Don't let your attitude become apathy.
The revolution starts in your heart and you have to start a new one every day!

JQ said...

Hi microdot, I am too lazy to look up old posts to see if you have visited before. If you have then welcome back, if not then welcome to my little corner of the internet.
I am going to vote, believe you me. I always vote. It's my civic responsibility and one I take very seriously, especially if the polling station has free doughnuts...and, of course, only if the weather is nice and it's not raining on election day.
I am simply saying that Americans need to wake up from this government induced coma and realize they don't have to be coddled by the Federal government; that they can do for themselves. Enough is enough. Americans have either become indifferent to the election process or caught up in the fervor of false promises perpetrated by both sides of the aisle.

Wow, this response is getting long winded.

I will be voting this election, just not for either of these ass clowns.

microdot said...

Well, then, would you please waste your time wisely and write my name in? That's MICRODOT!
Spell it write and I'll buy you a beer when I next visit Toledo.
If you make it to where I live, I'll make you a Picon-biere!

I did post here before about George Harrison, Wonderwall and Jackie Lomax.

microdot said...

Seriously, you do have a choice. Please take a few minutes to consider what giving the keys to the car to Palin and McCain really means.
Think about the damage to your world, and your childrens world that has been done in the last eight years and will only escalate.
Words like Socialist have little of the real meaning that they once had.
I live in a country now that many people refer to as a socialist country...France...but if saw the reality, it's much the same as the USA, we just have real health care here and family care.
People also save money here...the average is 15% annually a year and there is no credit card debt.

I know I can come across a being over the top...I spent 20 years standing in front of an bass amplifier developing tintinitus playing various kinds of punk rock and related genres of music.
I have always been involved in politics. Musically and with my own being. I believe that we can all create our own revolution in our selves each day. That is my job.
I have gotten smashed up in demonstrations and I get called nasty names and insulted every few hours, but I know what I believe in and what is the truth in my universe.
I am voting for Barack Obama because I believe the Republicans have established a death grip on the USA and the present direction of McCain and his foreign policy advisors...the cream of the Neo Cons will only lead to greater disasters in the very near future.
I see the stature and the hope that Obama has been able to inspire around the world.
You should do yourself a favor and investigate the role of Phil Gramm in creating the legislation that led to the unregulated market conditions that caused the meltdown.
Every person who says that they are both the same and doesn't vote in a meaningful way in this election is throwing away the chance to begin to turn America from a very real disaster and if America melts down, it affects the entire planet.

Fogive me for this long post...
I have to go floss my brain now.

JQ said...

Okay. Allow me first to say that I was informed right after posting my response to your initial comment that you had in fact been to my page before. I like to make sure that I am a cordial host, so welcome back.

Secondly, I would like to know how imploring people to vote for a third party is a waste of time? Is that not what our founding fathers intended? To be able to vote for whoever we feel will do the best job? I don't think they intended for us to always vote "for the lesser of two evils." I for one am tired of having to make that choice. I voted for Bush in 2000 because I thought he would do a better job than Gore. After he was elected I started to like him. I voted for Bush again because again I thought he was the lesser of the two evils. The economy was humming along, tax breaks, a better, brighter future...
I still believe he could have been a decent president had 9/11 not happened. Then we tried to get the world to fight with us to end this bullshit terrorism that is rampant across the globe. They said they would. Then one, by one they chickened out, including your host country. Then they started to turn on us. We were the villains. We were the hated. Bush was just a big war-monger idiot. Osama was being hidden, Saddam had no traces of WMD's. Now the world likes us even less than before. Regardless of the fact of bailing everyone's ass out for years. Thanks for your gratitude world. No, thank you.

At the same time all this is happening on the world stage, A bunch of jerk-off Democrats (and don't pretend you don't know who they are— they are to blame) and Republicans (you are very quick to know some of them and seemingly all to willing to point them out) are forcing legislation created in Clinton's administration to insure that every Tom, Dick and Leon get a more than fair opportunity to get into a home they and the Banks know can't be repaid. Home values skyrocket and then one day after the usual greed of Washington and Wall Street (the same greed that is found in any human who gets to much power) cause the near collapse of the US economy.

Obviously there is many more nuances and avenues to the story. We find out know that ACORN was part of that problem and further more is currently involved in a huge voter registration scandal. We know advice from regulators advising that Fannie and Freddie were corrupt were ignored. We find all sorts of bad things that anyone who even slightly pays attention to was largely, if not solely, created by our government. BOTH DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS. Though I believe democrats a little more to blame.

Now our economy is going down the tubes fast, China owns most of our debt, North Korea is rebuilding their nuke program, We have a socialist running for President of the United States, we are being advised by Sarkozy to get on board the Euro train and list of fun goes on and on.

Third, Socialist still means the same thing to me. I DO NOT want a government that tells me what Doctor to choose. I DO NOT want a government that will take my money and "spread the wealth around". I DO NOT want a government that makes decisions for me. I DO NOT want to tax the top 1% or 5% and drive big business out of America. I DO NOT want a government that taxes little business so much it can't survive. I DO NOT want a government that guarantees not only the opportunity of every citizens to make a better life, but the outcome to be as equal. I DO NOT want a government that controls every aspect of my life. Socialism means the same to me as it ever has, and it is not good.
I want a government that stays the hell out of my way and lets me fail or succeed on my own. I want a government that only serves it's original intended purpose to protect our borders, pave our roads and help balance the States power.

Socialism is a disaster. Allowing our great country to be overrun by arrogant politicians is a disaster. Voting for someone based on their skin is a disaster. Not paying attention to the reality of the situation is a disaster waiting to happen.

If throwing away our identity as a Nation is what the world considers to be the right thing to do, then I want to be wrong.

I urge every American to fight for their country, fight for their rights to the PURSUIT of happiness, abolish this bullshit two party system and instill a government that is once again for the people, by the people.

Put the Pigs back in the barn with the rest of us animals.

microdot said...

Well, obviously we have very different views of reality. I think the entire ACORN spiel is scapegoating and changing the subject from the very real legislation sponsored by Phil Gramm which allowed the bundling of mortgage debt and subsequently the free for all on the sub prime loan market.

I felt from the first time I heard of George Bush Jr. that he was a walking disaster and his policies and stance were only going to bring chaos to our world and he has done just that.

I do agree with you about multiple parties, but until the basic electoral system is rebuilt from the bottom up, the idea has no way of suceeding in America.

Now, I live in a country that has at least 18 different parties and all have an influence on the debate and all have been able to attract an electorate. I vote in American elections on an absentee ballot. My wife is a French citizen and votes here. The contrast between the presentation of ideas, the depth of debate and discussion between here and America is striking, and believe me, I am in tune with American media...

You should visit my blog;


You might want to disinfect your head after your visit, but on the other hand...I try to present lots of music from the present and the past and humor, food as well ass politics.

I'm trying to start an intergalctic battle of the know, the "Yo Mama's so fat..." put downs...

Like, Yo Mama's so fat, her barbeque is a source of global warmiong....

Yo Mama's so fat Russia can see her from their house.

Yo Mama such a ho that when they passed the 700 billion bailout, they included 50 cents to have sex with yo mama.....

JQ said...

I don't know what the hell is going on. How can we really know the truth anymore? All I want are positive results. I don't care who becomes president.

microdot said...

We can know the truth! Never stop believing that. The truth is there waiting for you to find it.
Your version of the truth may not be exactly what mine is, but the hard facts are there for us all to discover if we take the time.
By the way, The organization, Reporters without Borders ranked the United States #36 for freedom of the press on a world wide scale, we are tied with Bosnia!

That's a good reason why you have to take the time to look for the truth because it don't come easy!

JQ said...

Amen to that brother!

We need a new generation of journalists who are not afraid to tell the painful truth.

And we need less government intrusion.

And if there was a way to keep our representatives honest.

And parents teaching their children.

And a better school system.
