Friday, October 31, 2008

"Oh say can you see..."

Something of interest.


Bob said...

Wow, it almost reads as if people are allowed to have GUNS. What a great concept. Some of our congress critters should try reading that document.

JQ said...

Nobody- Amazing isn't it? It also says we have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. So let's get our guns and go to Washington.

Bob said...

Yeah, let's do it!

But we have to wait three days before I can get a gun, they took away some of our rights already..

JQ said...

Two words Nobody: Black Market.

I know a guy who knows a guy who knows this...well let's just say that Kevin Bacon has some guns.

Bob said...

LOL! Actually, I already have my permit to purchase. And I'm seriously considering getting a concealed carry permit, just for the hell of it.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Are you saying we're related to Kevin Bacon?

JQ said...

Nobody- I am going to carry mine out in the open. My gun too.

Pixie- He my sixth cousin.