Sunday, November 2, 2008

"America the beauiful..."

America, stop being brainwashed!

People say that voting third party is a waste of time. I tell those people to blow it out their ass. If enough of us wake up and realize that we have more choices than just the Democrats and Republicans, we might have a hope maintaining what our forefathers intended: A glorious and free America. I do not want to see my nation become a failing superpower heading towards socialism; a nation of whiners who feel entitled to the American Dream without working towards that dream; who wait for Big Brother to tells us what to think and where to go. If what I say seems too radical, well it is radical. Just allow the Federal government to further strip your freedoms away under the guise of "We know what's best for you." Let the Federal government tax you on every concievable item. Bend over while they take away your freedom of choice, your freedom of speech, your right to bear arms, your privacy, your free enterprise, on and on and on and before you know what has happened we are all wearing brown jump suits and pledging allegiance to a camera that follows you around all day.

Okay that may be a little extreme, but you get the point right?

If you really want to make a change then vote...Libertarian.

That's right, Libertarian.

Sure the Libertarian party will not win this election, but if enough of us vote Libertarian, we will send a clear message to the assclowns on the hill that 'We the People' are tired of the two-party system. We will send the message that we want more personal responsibility and less government intrusion. We will send the message that we are paying attention and that we don't like what we see.

I know that I might be viewed as a loony for posting my eccentric political beliefs (am I crazy for not wanting to live off the governments teat? Am I crazy for not liking either of the candidates and therefore not settling for the lesser of two evils?), but in the immortal words of Pop-eye; "That's all I can stand and I can't stands no more!"

So this tuesday I will not waste my vote like millions of other sheople. To steal a platitude that both parties rely on; I will cast my ballot in the hope for real change.

If you have a right mind and have paid attention to both sides of the current political spectrum than you might just as well have come to this conclusion also. Anybody who is not a true Democrat might understand. And for the rest of you bleeding-hearts, just realize that the people can take care of themselves. We do not need a government to hold our hands. It is time to grow up and take responsibility for your own life. Take responsibility for your own government.


Anonymous said...

I voted for Ralph Nader in the Bush/Gore election because I wanted legal marijuana, amongst other things. It sucks that we're stuck in a two-party system, but I admire your attempts to change that. Although I wouldn't vote libretarian due to some ideological differences, I admire the idea of a third party. Here's my idea: Put all the candidates, including third party, but also put a "none of the above" box. This way, you can participate, and send a message by saying, "I want to be part of this process, but don't like my choices." How crazy would it be the day that "none of the above" won an election. That would happen eventually, and it would shake the hell out of the system. Other countries do this....

Anonymous said...

My only other comment is that we have to be sure to appreciate that not everyone has the same ideals. Political opinions are just that. I don't hate Republicans, I just don't agree with a few (and I say a few because i agree with them about many thngs) issues. I understand their reasoning, but don't agree with their stance on those items. If we were all Liberarians, then our political system would be a joke. So while I do agree that we should have a prominent third choice or third party, I disagree with the notion that you're a "bleeding heart" or some other pejorative term, just because of your beliefs and values. I think that we should value our differences because those differences are what makes our country great.

Or maybe that's just my passive nature talking...

Anonymous said...

One more thing...

That all said, I'm down for the revolution where we actually take back our Government. They are no longer acting in our interests, and if someone starts the Revolution, I'm fucking in!

I don't think anyone, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, can act in the interest of the people due to all the special interest groups. It's time to have our own tea party! Seriously.

JQ said...

Think Frustrated- I agree. No one party holds all my ideals. I voted Republican in the last two elections because I thought that Kerry and Gore were not the people for the job and I also held the naive belief that Republicans were the party of less government.
I definitely think that MCcain is not the man.
I will give Obama a shot but if he starts all this socialism crap than I'm going to revolt.
I really like the idea of less government, but again, I don't think that the libertarians could do any better than the current.
I do believe that we need more personal responsibility and less government. That is one of the reasons why I will vote third party this year.
I'm as guilty as the next guy for being a "bleeding-heart" but you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere. We all have the equal opportunity for success or failure, what we don't have is the guaranteed success of every person.
I have had the idea that we should have an equal mixture of political parties at every level of government to keep the interests of the people honest, but could you imagine? Nothing would ever get done.
I just want this mess to be straightened out but am not smart enough to formulate a plan that best suits all the people.
'Mungo just a pawn in the great game of life.'
I basically just want people to realize they are not limited to two major parties.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

You're hot when you get all passionate about your country.

But capitalize that t in the last Tuesday of your post. It takes the wind out of the sails of this post. :)

Bob said...

But. but. but.. how can we have a 3rd party with the electoral college bullshit?? They never have a chance of winning.

Like you, I want to take our country back. But I have no idea how we will do it.

Naynayfazz said...

I'm going to show this post to my husband. He was just talking about similar things last night. He cannot vote yet because he is not a citizen but in Uruguay he was very into politics and doesn't get the whole two-sided voting and how you MUST declare a party when voting. Anyway, good post and I will show him later on.