Thursday, March 6, 2008

"Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes...."

Okay, another "stop-gap" post.

I am currently in negotiation with several reputable Lawn and Landscape companies in the Toledo area. One is encouraging me to get all sorts of certification and is willing to pay for said certification and everything that becoming certified entails.

How many times can I use the word certified?

The hours are great, the pay would start at slightly more than I make now, with a pay raise dolled out via salary ( I haven't worked hourly in so long that this is a huge plus for me), benefits, and 401(k) after my ninety day probation period. The company is literally five minutes away from my house which is a bonus as I could ride my bicycle there (if I had a bicycle). The people are friendly and I get a good vibe from them and the company.

It is not at all what I expected myself to be accepting when I resigned from my other job— I had delusions of grandeur about becoming a working artist—but I can roll with the punches. Besides I can still pursue my creative side in my spare time.

I feel that I will not just be some schlub cutting peoples grass, but really be able to advance and grow with this company. A real professional. And this will do until I can finally record my songs, write my book and make my million.

I just have to stay focused.

I have decided to take the job that I described above. It was really a hard decision choosing between this company and the other. Both made great offers, and both would be excellent companies to work for. I chose the above because it is so close to home and the hours are way better than the 8-6:30 (that is the average time) the other company offered; although I would have been the only person hired in as a foreman and the only other person besides management with a salary. My new job starts on Monday at 7:15 a.m. WOHOOOOOOOO!


Anonymous said...


Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

turn and face the strain...

Dad—You're funny.

anti-spam word: arrtmg (like a pirate right?)

Anonymous said...

Congrats JQ! It sounds like an awesome job!

JQ said...

Pops- Thank you. That was really nice. But your still sleeping on the floor next time!

Pixie- Yo ho ho matey.
I've got a jolly roger
Its black and white and vast
Get out of your skull and crossbones
And I'll run it up your mast!

Fig- Thank you. I think I will be happy there.

Anonymous said...

Hey Babe, sounds great to me!!!

JQ said...

Dutchy— That's all I needed to hear!

Anonymous said...

Dude, if it means no more snow-plowing...

BTW I finally had on-hand all of the ingredients to make your rockin' grilled cheese sandwich recipe. OMG! I will be posting a review linking you for my readers. It's amazing! THANKS!

Ha! my WV ends in "jq".

Silicone Alley said...

Congrats on the Job offer. It always is best when you are actullay doing something that you enjoy.

And what about this "rockin' grilled cheese sandwich" that shades mentioned?

JQ said...

Shades- Nice to see you again! I 'm glad you liked my grilled cheese recipe, spread the love!
Also, thanks for the link love, I appreciate the effort!

Silicone Alley- Well, I don't hate it, at least I am outdoors. Here is a link to my grilled cheese The nice thing about the sandwich is it's low fat....did I say 'low fat', I meant to say you'll have to consult your doctor before consumption.

Anonymous said...

Dude. It's like talking into a mirror.

Congrats. We are both going to be hippies riding our bikes to work. I'll go get my birkenstocks. Wait, I don't have any.

JQ said...

TF- I don't have any either. I am, however, going to buy a bicycle this year. Then I can sing that Melanie song....

Lynda said...

Good luck! If you have a good feeling about it, I say, go with the gut!

JQ said...

I do have a good feeling about this company and I think it will forward my landscape career. I just had to get away from the other place, it was no good for me anymore.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

You are AWESOME! I can almost smell the bacon frying up in the pan already. Congrats!

Silicone Alley said...

Thanks for the link, it looks very fullfilling ;)

JQ said...

Pixie- Thanks baby, but are you sure you are not having a stroke?

Silicone Alley- Enjoy! Just don't sue me when your arteries block up like the Hoover Dam.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

I think your addendum deserves a post of it's own.

Naynayfazz said...

Congratulations! I am little late on this but I have been a lazy pants lately. Anyway, that is great news and I wish you a lot of luck.

Anonymous said...

Hey it's been a while... we want to hear how the job is going!

Fantastagirl said...

Congrats- hope the new job is all that you want and more!

JQ said...

Pixie- I do agree that I need a new post.

Naynayfazz- Thanks. Step one is now complete. All I have to do now is focus on my art and start marketing myself.

Fig- I start my new job on St. Patty's day....I plan on getting "jiggy" with it, oh boy that was bad.

Fantastagirl- Thank you. I hope so as well, then I can stop bitching and get back to being my old annoying self.

Anonymous said...

sorry... I was thinking you started last Monday and was being impatient. Can't wait to hear how it goes!

Silicone Alley said...

Congrts on the new job... And ouch 7:15 that's early!!

Fantastagirl said...

Ooohhh, then you didn't get the memo - it's called work for a reason - otherwise they'd call it FUN...

Just kiddin' when it's something you enjoy doing - then it's all good!

JQ said...

Silicone Alley- Yeah, but I get off earlier as well.

Fantastagirl- I'll tolerate it. Nobody should have to put up with your sarcasm! :)

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I hope you love it.

I love my new job. I recently found out that my Enlgish degree is actually a requirement for this job, and that I do a lot of writing that gets published. (To our customers, but it still gets read by like 10,00 insurance agencies with an average of 8 people per agency.) :) Good times. Have a beer. A good one. No Milwaukee's best.

JQ said...

TF- Thanks bro! I hope I do as well!