Sunday, November 4, 2007

I've got blisters on me fingers...

It's Sunday, November 4, 10:24 p.m.

I have approximately 5078 words of my novel done so far.

I only need 2000 more words before I can go to bed.

I should achieve my goal by the time I have to get up and go to work.

The writing is coming easier than I thought.

The story however is not so good.

My question then is, can one polish a turd?

I sure hope so.


Mel said...

so awesome you are doing this!!! Ad polishing, thats what editors are for I think :)

My hats off to you and all writers our there. My blog is as much writing as I can do. I LOVE to read though.

Anonymous said...

I'm positive there are ways: let it dry and try shining; maybe varnish it first, than shine; bronze it?...

We are usually our own worst critics.

GO JOSH!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

You can't polish a turd. The turd just disintegrates. However, you can take that turd when you're done making it, and sculpt it into David, if you know what I mean.

Helter Skelter.

The Ferryman said...

Nice John Lennon reference!

JQ said...

Mel- I love how you separate me from the actual writers. Thanks for shattering my self-esteem. :)

AC(W)P- Who? Oh, I don't care.

I was going to say steam clean, but that would just soften the turd back up.

Thank you. How is your's coming along?

Your novel not your turd.

TF- I used to say that the turd would just smear. Now I say that if it is firm enough to hold peanuts, then I can work with it.

Mr.Fabulous- I found it apropos.

Anonymous said...

Also, the "Blisters on me fingers," comment was made by Ringo because he had to pound the drums like Keith Moon on that track, and the original take was 26 minutes long, so his hands were fucking hurting. Trust me. I'm fairly obsessed.

Heavy Metal started when "Helter Skelter" ended.

JQ said...

TF- Thank you for the tidbit of knowledge. I always like to learn new things.

As a favor I will impart an equally unknown factoid for your enlightenment.

In one of the greatest marketing ploys ever created, Paul actually killed himself, leaving explicit instructions for the remainder of the band to let it slip he had died. Then when enough hype was created George resurrected Paul and they completely denied the allegations.


Anonymous said...

Polish a turd?

Dunno... never tried it...

Let me know what happens..

JQ said...

Dutchy- I'll send you a picture.