Monday, January 14, 2008

"Now they're frightened of leaving it...."

Pixie and I are both going to read ten books this year. My first book of the year is actually going to be two books. I am going to stick with the Harry Potter series until I finish that. I am on book number five; Harry potter and the Order of the Phoenix. At the same time I am reading I, me, mine the George Harrison biography. I figured that having a juvenile fiction book counter-balanced by a biography of a rock star would count as one good read. What do you think?

After I finish the Harry Potter series I was thinking of picking up an Ayn Rand novel as per a discussion on Pixies blog. Either Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged. I don't know though, that requires a lot of time looking up all those big words. Words like shrugged and atlas.

I have been a sloth lately. I just wrote 'I have been a slot lately' before correcting myself. Well, maybe. I have felt a tad clammy. Nine weeks until I don't have a job anymore. The job I have had for almost a decade now. I have no idea what is out there for me, but I know I can't go back. I am burnt out and honestly don't want to do that anymore. I have plenty of ideas about what I want to do but no good ideas on how to not do anything and still make money. Any ideas?

Something will come along. I just have to be confident and apply myself.

Well, back to the book.


The Ferryman said...

No, seriously, who is reading the books to you?

JQ said...

Fab- Two words for you: books on tape.

Bob said...

My lifelong dream is to be able to sit around in my underwear all day long and not have to work. If you figure out how to do that and still have plenty of money, let me know.

Mel said...

I also want to know that secret so if you find out let me know!!

I did know about Queen's 2 albums being named after Marx brothers movies. My head is just full of useless info like that! Its the useful info that eludes me.

Anonymous said...

"Everyone's weaving it, Coming on strong all the time..."

Great song.

A really good book to read is Bob Spitz's biography of the Beatles. He did a Dylan bio that was awesome. I read the Beatles one, and it was slow at first (talks about where Paul's grandparents came from, etc., lots of background), but has a ton of insight. Very good read. I think I'm going to read it again, actually...

You can start a one-man-band, and tour local coffee shops, working for tips. That might pay the mortgage. Or, let Pixie support you both, and be a house-husband. I totally want to be a Mr. Mom, which, by the way is a fantastic piece of cinema.

JQ said...

Nobody- We should start a think tank for such matters.

Mel- You'll be the first person I call.

TF- I thought of both of those ideas. If it comes down to the wire I will just have to suck it up and go back to my old job; it's always there for me. I just want to do something different with my life. Maybe be a lion tamer or an accountant.

Lynda said...

Maybe you should become a househusband and have Pixie support you.

I understand how you feel though. I dread going to my job every day. I am sure there is a better opportunity somewhere for you.

JQ said...

Lynda- My parents have hated their jobs forever. They don't have degrees and are stuck in menial jobs in which one day they will die. I will have to buy them the bargain casket because they won't have any money. I don't want this to happen to my family. I want to do something I love and get paid for doing it. I need to be happy and being at a job I can't stand will no longer suffice.
I will not have my masculinity subdued by becoming a house husband. Besides we need the duel income.