Monday, April 21, 2008

"I'm fixing a hole...." or "I'm a back door man"

I installed a new back door this weekend. The job was not as hard as I thought. I simply spent five hours tearing out the old door frame being very careful not to disturb anything. Then I spent another three and a half hours installing the new door. It turned out pretty good, though, like me, it's not perfect. You have to lift up on the handle before you close the door. To lock the door you have to wedge a piece of shim into the latch side, jimmy that over until it touches the lock, than lift the door up a quarter inch and wiggle it until it latches. To open the door you have to go out the front door walk around the house and hold the door steady. Meanwhile have somebody pop out the hinge pins and gently remove the door. Not a big deal.

Old Door from inside.

Rough opening.

Old door from outside.

New Door from outside.

New door and a big mess.

As you can see the brand new door looks great. I still have to finish the trim work and tweak the dead bolt a little, but other than those two tasks I am done.

Now Pixie, G-man and I can feel safe knowing that a crooked door is protecting us from the bad guys.


Unknown said...

New door looks great. Love the window.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

I love it.

I wouldn't be afraid to mock the bad guys from the inside of the door.

Anonymous said...

Nice. Hanging a door is tough stuff.

"...where the rain gets in..."

Fantastagirl said...

Looks good - not get the dead bolts on so pixie and g-man can be safe!

Bob said...

I ordered a new door well over a month ago, but it never showed up. Now I know why. YOU HAVE MY DAMN DOOR. YOU BASTARD.

Nice job.

JQ said...

Cindy- Thanks, but next time don't be so personal.

Pixie- I couldn't have done it without your constant nagging, err, I mean support.

TF- "...and stops my mind from wandering..."

Fantastagirl- Oh there in, don't you worry.

Nobody- Is that the one you are getting from Menards? What a coincidence.

Mel said...

good job :):)

was trying to think of something witty to say but its 5:30 am so this is all you get. zzzzzzzzz

JQ said...

Mel- Works for me, thanks!

Anonymous said...

"...where it will gooooooooooo..."

Mel said...

Hey how bout a new post?? Come on, I'll take anything :)

Naynayfazz said...

I am late in the game with my response but I like the door as well. Can you come to my house and fix my bathroom door that keeps locking us in our own bathroom???