Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Hidden in the lines, Written on the pages, is the answer to the....."

It was a great weekend. I was sick as a a dog on Saturday, which was no fun. I never get sick. I honestly can't remember the last time I was ill, but I won't forget Saturday for a long time. It was a wasted day.

Sunday was much better. I spent the entire morning doing the odd jobs for other people that I should have done Friday, but was too lazy and couldn't do Saturday. Then we tried to go to the Zoo but ended up driving right past as the line to get in extended for miles down the highway. So we ended up going to one of the many fine metro parks in our area and had a spot of lunch. G-man got to run around in great big open spaces—which he loves to do. Then we went to Best Buy. Pixie got herself something nice (she might tell you about it), G-man got a sweet new Elmo video and I got one of my favorite movies from my youth; "The Never Ending Story". We watched it Sunday night. That movie rocks! It was a great trip sown nostalgia lane. Then I read three chapters of Biology interspersed with ever-increasing amounts of caffeine and after everyone went to bed I took my online Biology test.

Monday we slept in until 8:30, jumped out of bed, woke G-man up, packed a lunch and headed to the Zoo. Members were allowed to get in the gate one hour before anybody else all weekend. That was awesome! There was hardly anybody in the parking lot which allowed us to park within a city block of the front gate! It felt like we had the whole zoo to ourselves. They have a new amphibian exhibit, among the other fine displays, which G-man enjoyed. We have been to the Zoo at least three times now (Pixie, Grandma and G-man went without me once) and our membership has already paid for itself.
Oh but that's not all, later in the day we took a walk up to the Super Wal-mart to get milk and juice and passed a shoe store along the way. I bought myself some new sandals. Why am I so excited? The last time I bought sandals the country was not in "war", the price of gas was reaching an astounding $1.25 a gallon and I was still living in the apartment above my parents house. Yeah I needed new sandals.

All-in-all it was a nice relaxing weekend with my family. Pure Heaven.


The Ferryman said...

Well. Um... Congrats on the new sandals!

JQ said...

FAb-o— I can tell you are jealous.

Anonymous said...

See. Zoo membership is the absolute best. Mine needs to be renewed this month, but the perks absolutely rule. It's one of the few things that actually does pay for itself.

Now, your old sandals lasted forever, but I suspect you'll be getting new wal-mart sandals within a year or two...

JQ said...

TF- The Zoo rocks! Well, my old sandals were pretty beat-up for a long time. I think I super-glued them at one point and half the foot liner was missing. I probably should have gotten new sandals a long time ago.
I actually got the sandals at a Payless on the way to the Wal-Mart.We walked to Wal-mart to get a few staples like milk and juice. I should have clarified that.

Naynayfazz said...

I love zoos because as you know, I am an animal dork. Someday if and when I live close to one, I will definitely get a membership.

When does school start, btw?

JQ said...

Naynayfazz- The membership is absolutely worth the money.
Class started about three weeks ago. The class is biology and it's a lot of work. That's why I haven't been around lately.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Yay for fun times.

JQ said...

Pixie- Yay!

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Boo for homework, chores, & work.

JQ said...

Pixie- Boo!

Silicone Alley said...

The Never Ending Story still scares the bejezus out of me!

JQ said...

Silicone- Is it the Rock eater or Deep Roy as the snail racer?

Anonymous said...

Did you ever READ The Neverending Story? There's so much that the movie left out (although the sequels did a good job of using the leftover bits...). Either way, it's an awesome story and one of my favorite. I read it at least once a year.

I bet G-man would love to have it read to him!