Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Nobody knows you, when you're down and out."

I started my classes yesterday.

I am not nervous, just excited. The classes and people are great! A myriad of people all there for the love of music. The workload seems a little overwhelming, but nothing a little organization and elbow grease can't handle. After all, I am just starting.
Okay, I am a little nervous about finances. I still feel selfish for going back to school, when I should be killing myself working to support my family. Well not killing myself but being a better provider than what I am now. I have not quit my job to become a full time student, I just took a small cut in pay. That doesn't mean I don't want to be a better provider, it's just taking me longer to get where I want to be. Working and fighting to realize one's aspirations is not easy...ever, but I implemented this plan months ago and will see it through to it's long, arduous end. Thank a seemingly omnipotent yet ambiguous personification of all our doubts and fears (GOD?, come on people it's not funny if I have to explain...) for Pixie's support, you are great baby!

Needless to say the old purse strings are going to be drawn even tighter. Living puts a strain on our income. Do you know how much money I could save if I didn't have to buy anything? Who really needs to purchase frivolous merchandise like deodorant, toothpaste, or toilet paper right? I just won't sweat, use my teeth to eat and wipe with my hand. Adding a child strains the income further; now I have to buy extra food and water and deodorant, not to mention diapers, wipes, lots and lots of milk and more diapers. Now throw a smaller budget and the inevitable mountain of student loans into the mix.
We don't mind staying at home eating a nice meal as opposed to going out to an upscale eatery like Del Taco, but because of my selfish acts, my family will have to cut out some of our lavish lifestyle, like eating generic brand everything—is there a generic brand for generic brands? We already eat Happy Circles instead of Cheerios, what's next Complacent Eclipses? And as far as me not eating lunch, I will have to skip breakfast and dinner as well.
Also no more turning on the lights at night. This might also make our eyes stronger which could led to a savings at the optometrist. Or we could make candles out of ear-wax—which, if we run low, might be a good way to met the neighbors.
And "If it is yellow let it mellow, if it is brown flush it down." will have to be changed to "If it is yellow or if it is brown, dig a hole in the ground." Not only would we not owe a huge $50 water bill four times a year, we could fertilize the front yard.
Showers will be reduced from every third day to every other week. I'm on the water saving kick. This might prove tricky if I stop buying deodorant.
In an effort to save electricity, I will no longer be using the Internet to post my blog. I will send out carrier pigeons every third Friday to keep you all informed of my happenings. You might be shocked that I would increase the frequency of my posts, but I have ulterior motives. Please feed them well and send them back, as I will eventually eat them.
I thought about becoming a gigolo, come on Fab, you know you want to.

In all seriousness though, my pay cut and G-man needing daycare, we are strapped. My only hope is to win the lottery....or slip and fall in one of the anchor stores of the area's new upscale mall. It's a long way to the mall, I better start thumbing.

What ways could you save money?


Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

Hang in there baby. It will all work out in the end.

If not, well at least we can here some pretty music while we live in that cardboard box under the bridge.

JQ said...

Pixie- You know if it comes down to it, I will sacrifice everything I hoped to achieve for you and G-man. At least I will still have a wonderful wife and great son. I would walk through hell for you two. Hell, but not New Jersey.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

How dare you get me all choked up while I'm at work…

I want you to have it all. Awesome wife, great son, career of your dreams. I'll stand by you through it all.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

I wonder if people just don't get your ultra-dry sense of humor sometimes?

JQ said...

Hey, I think I am funny....

Naynayfazz said...

Ya know, shame on you for making your wife wipe with her hand and not eat at Del Taco. How could you? ;)

Naynayfazz said...

Seriously, we are strapped for cash too. We are moving soon and well, I am not sure where the heck we're getting money from. My butt maybe?

JQ said...

Naynayfazz- A magic money-butt eh? Can I ask you a favor...