Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Goodbye logic, hello America

I will typically tend to stay away from voicing my political views on this blog, but I felt that I should say something about the recent Jessie Macbeth fiasco. First of all shame on you Jesse. Secondly good for you Rush. And lastly, it just goes to show you how warped the media really is that they can run a story that smears someone like Rush, who although a lot of people disagree with him (and I am not a hardcore listener by the way)he does tend to tell the truth among his right-wing rantings. Once again the media and now even our senators are jumping on the "We don't need any facts, just hang someone" mentality. Shame on you all, ignoramuses.


Anonymous said...

I say shame on Jessie MacBeth, too, but I'm a Liberal, and Rush is like poison to me. I, obviously, have no problem expressing my political views. :)

JQ said...

Think Frustrated- Like I said I'm not hardcore, but come on. Macbeth was outright lying and they don't mention anything about his lies or the media mistaking him for a hero on the news—only that Rush is a unpatriotic hate-monger.
To tell you the truth all politics make me sick. There are snakes on both sides of the aisle.

Anonymous said...

True dat. I actually think that the fact that our media is so biased makes us no more free than China. We don't get straight news, ever. The Liberal news outlets put their slants on things, and the Conservative news outlets do the same. I'm talking CNN, MSNBC, etc.

Anonymous said...

Hi JQ - nothing relevant to the post to say. I HATE politics!!!!

Just wanted to say "What up?".

Love ya,


JQ said...

ac(w)p- I do too, unfortunately we have to think about them sometimes. Thanks for visiting, come back again.

Think Frustrated- Can't anybody just report the damn news anymore, really fair and balanced?

Bob said...

I hate the damned drive-by media we have in this country. They rarely take the time to really look into the stories they are reporting on. Locally it is really bad, our town newspaper totally ignores what the city council and school boards are doing.

JQ said...

Nobody— Not only do they fail to report comprehensive news, their alleged journalist can't even form proper sentences. Quite a few publications are poorly written.Not only that they just copy and paste articles. Does anybody write their own news anymore, or do they all just take turns sharing word files.